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AquaCare AS-SEEN-ON-TV High Pressure Handheld/Rain 80-mode 3-way Shower Head Combo with Adjustable Arm - Anti-clog Nozzles, Tub & Pet Power Wash, 6 ft. Stainless Steel Hose, Nickel Finish
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AquaCare AS-SEEN-ON-TV High Pressure Handheld/Rain 80-mode 3-way Shower Head Combo with Adjustable Arm - Anti-clog Nozzles, Tub & Pet Power Wash, 6 ft. Stainless Steel Hose, Nickel Finish

Product ID: 423349899
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MORE WATER PRESSURE, CLEANER SHOWER - Use advanced 8-setting 5-zone Handheld Shower and a giant 8-setting 7" Rainfall Shower Head separately or together for the Ultimate Spa Experience! Both heads feature Anti-clog Nozzles that prevent accumulation of grime inside. So while other showerheads clog and loose water pressure over time, AquaCare nozzles remain clean and clog-free for years of flawless performance. GIANT 8-SETTING 7" RAINFALL SHOWER HEAD features RAISED DESIGN for more height and flow coverage, plus advanced Low-reach Mode Selector for convenient one-hand operation without turning the dial.Innovative ADJUSTABLE EXTENTION ARM keeps hand shower 2 feet lower for instant reach, more water pressure and better flow precision. It adjusts forward and back, so you can use the hand shower up-close without having to hold it. BUILT-IN 2-MODE TUB, TILE & PET POWER WASH - Now you can clean that disgusting soap scum and dried hair left behind from up to 6 feet away without setting a foot in your shower. Simply flip the AquaCare handle and turn it into a High-pressure Power Wash! Use Point Jet to instantly target and blast away stubborn grime or use Wide Fan to quickly rinse-clean large areas. Lower the water pressure and AquaCare turns into a professional pet shower that gently and thoroughly deep-cleans the coat.PURE-CLEAN PROTECTION - Studies show that ordinary shower heads are often infested with grime that rapidly grows overnight, then gets flashed out in your face with the morning shower. That's why keeping your showerhead clean is essential for good shower hygiene. AquaCare nozzles are made with special revolutionary material that works 24/7 on molecular level to protect from degradation. This protection is 100% safe and effective for the life of the product and can never wear off

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