21 vitamins & minerals expertly blended for use during pregnancy.Seven Seas PregnancySeven Seas Pregnancy is a complete pregnancy multivitamin which contains 21 expertly blended vitamin and minerals, which work in harmony with your body, for you and your unborn baby.This includes 400µg of Folic Acid. The Department of Health recommends that women should take a daily supplement of 400µg of folic acid for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's spine is developing.*A healthy balanced nutritional intake is vital throughout pregnancy, not just the first 12 weeks. Seven Seas Pregnancy provides essential nutrients throughout pregnancy including **Folic Acid which plays an important role during the full nine months, such as contributing to normal blood formation & contributing to maternal tissue growth in pregnancy. Seven Seas Pregnancy also contains Ginger. This formulation is designed to be taken throughout your pregnancy.One-a-day, 21 vitamins & minerals expertly blended for pregnancy, With folic acid, iron and vitamin D plus added ginger, Developed by experts - 75 years of family health, Dual nutrition: for you, for your pregnancy
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